Radio 40 - stay in your house of perreo con niño y papi chino 20.05.21
Indigenous Music from Abya Yala through the lens of Mi Mawai

Playlist: We are a platform for alliances and encounters between Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists. Mi Mawai, in Hãtxa kui, means "music" and this is the main starting point for everything we develop. Since 2017, we have carried out a constellation of activities, such as concerts, records, films, music videos, conversations, artistic coverage and residencies, among others, with the purpose of strengthening and spreading contemporary Indigenous music, traditional music, or both. In this trajectory, we have already connected artists, creators and music producers from different origins and regions of the country.

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  • mercredi 5 juin
  • 15:49 [juan]

    c'est trop bo

  • 18:05 [emmmmmmaaa]

    woouahou!!! <3

  • mercredi 12 juin
  • 18:08 [pipou]

    Nos rêves ou rien, c'ets trop bien !